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Fleet & Family Support Programs

Clinical Counseling Services

People sometimes encounter difficult situations or crises in their lives and often benefit from the professional counseling services that are available at the Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC). Counseling contributes to personal readiness by providing the opportunity to develop emotional awareness and problem-solving skills that can reduce stress in the workplace or in personal relationships.

Our Fleet & Family Support Center is staffed with highly qualified, licensed counselors who provide short-term counseling for active duty service members, spouses, dependents, and retirees. Each of the counselors holds a masters or doctorate degree in Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, or Psychology. They are fully credentialed to provide confidential counseling and are available to assist you with your concerns.

Clinical Counseling at the Fleet & Family Support Center is based on the best scientific evidence of models and research; it is supported by our nurturing environment and well-educated service providers. Our office provides individual, marriage and family counseling services – giving our service members and their families the opportunity to achieve their personal best.

Fleet & Family Support Center counselors can provide support in dealing with a wide range of concerns such as:

·         Improved Communication

·         Strategies for Managing Stress & Anger

·         Grief & Loss

·         Strengthening My Relationship

·         Work Related Stress

·         Adjusting to Impact of Deployment

·         Life Transitions

·         Divorce Concerns

·         Coping with Change

You do not need a referral from your Command, Tricare or primary care physician.

Crisis intervention services are also available and same day or walk-in appointments are welcome.

Contact Fleet & Family Support at 202-685-0229 or for more information. 

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Exceptional Family Member Program (NSAW)

The Exceptional Family Member Program provides an all-inclusive approach for the community, educational, medical, housing, and personnel services for families with special needs. Enrollment is mandatory for all service members who have family members with special needs. Enrollment ensures the maximum provision of services to the family throughout the service member’s career. Special needs include special medical, dental, mental health, developmental, or educational requirements; the requirement for adaptive equipment assistive technology devices; or services of a wheelchair.  

Exceptional Family Member Program liaisons assist families in locating special needs services and resources by identifying local military and civilian resources such as special education assistance, social and support groups, treatment providers, and information about local disability services. Respite care helps military families with children with special needs by providing 40 hours of respite care per month so they can leave the house, go to an appointment, shop, or just rest while knowing that their child is being well cared for.

Benefits to service members, families, and command leadership include:

  • Networking, information, referral and resources, and assistance during a permanent change of station moves
  • Peace of mind for deployed service members and their families
  • Enhances command readiness through support to the service member and family
  • Improves retention by providing support to Sailors who may otherwise consider separation in order to best meet their family’s needs
  • Decreases costly overseas returns by proactively ensuring that duty assignments are made with special needs taken into consideration.

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Family Advocacy Program

The Family Advocacy Program provides a variety of intervention and treatment models to meet the needs of individual families in reference to child and spouse/partner abuse concerns. Licensed credentialed clinical professionals provide the services.  

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates also play a key role in assisting with these services.

The program is designed to address the prevention, identification, reporting, intervention, treatment and follow-up of child and spouse/partner maltreatment.

The program has five primary goals:

  • Prevention of family violence
  • Victim safety planning and protection
  • Offender accountability
  • Rehabilitative education and counseling
  • Community accountability and responsibility for a consistent, appropriate response.

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Family Emergency Response

Disaster affects hundreds of thousands of people every year. It may happen at your local Navy installation. It may happen to you. Family Emergency Response is the quick response provided to commands, personnel and families when they are faced with crisis situations such as natural or manmade disasters, loss of life, disaster evacuation or war. In the midst or aftermath of an incident, FFSC team members strive to provide the following based on the event:

  • Setting up a 24-hour Emergency Family Assistance Center, if needed
  • Manning the Assistance Center with Fleet & Family Support staff and other agency staff,  as needed
  • Consultation
  • Crisis intervention
  • Debriefings
  • Information and referrals
  • Work towards restoring mission readiness

Are you and your family ready for an emergency?

Whether you’re part of the general Navy community, the Navy’s emergency management team, or a potential partner in disaster response and recovery, you have a role in planning for emergencies -- preparedness is your duty.

Please explore Ready Navy to find information and tools to help you and your family prepare for emergency situations that could arise any time without warning.

Be Ready Navy!

Are you ready for an emergency? Emergency kits will help you and your family to respond to an emergency quickly and will be useful whether you have to shelter in place or evacuate. Kits should include enough supplies for at least three days. Have kits on hand before the crisis occurs because emergencies may happen with little or no warning, you may need to evacuate quickly and may not have time to gather or shop for supplies. Revise your kit to reflect your family's needs, pets, the season and the situation. It is recommended to have a kit at home and also portable kits in your car and/or at work. Watch this video and print the checklist to develop a basic emergency kit.

Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System

Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System standardizes a method for the Navy to account, manage and monitor the recovery process for personnel and their families affected and/or scattered by a wide-spread catastrophic event. NFAAS provides valuable information to all levels of the Navy chain of command, allowing commanders to make strategic decisions which facilitate a return to stability.

NFAAS allows Navy Personnel to do the following:

  • Report Accounting Status
  • Update Contact/Location information
  • View Reference Information
  • Complete a Needs Assessment Survey

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Family Employment Readiness Program

The mission of the Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) is to help spouses and family members gain the tools they need to obtain suitable employment, establish career goals, and maintain career progression.

The military recognizes that moving every few years creates career challenges for military spouses/family members, especially when stationed overseas or in remote areas. 

Our Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) offers family members a variety of resources to tackle those challenges.  We provide no-cost consultations and are available to guide you. 

The NSAW Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) offers a variety of workshops for spouses and family members to learn new skills and hone techniques.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Job Search Strategies -- Learn how to understand the labor market, create a job search plan, leverage social media and more.
  • Navigating the Federal employment system -- Learn how to find federal government vacancies and job listings, complete the application process and understand standard qualification and testing requirements. 
  • Effective resume writing -- Learn how to market your skills, knowledge, accomplishments and experience with an impressive resume. The one-session workshop includes tips on translating military terminology. 
  • Interview techniques -- Hone your skills by learning how to give positive answers to difficult questions, dress for success, body language, positive attitude, interview follow-up techniques and salary negotiation.

Also, don’t forget about volunteering!  It is a great way to learn new skills, create important networks and gain experience while contributing to the community! 

Federal Employment and Military Spouse Preference Webinar

The Defense Civilian Personal Advisory Service (DCPAS) facilitated web based training entitled "Federal Employment and Military Spouse Preference" for Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) staff and military spouses. This highly informative webinar provides an overview of the spouse hiring authorities and explores the federal application process.

To view the recorded webinar, please visit:

Contact your local Fleet and Family Support Center for more information.


  • Military Spouse Employment Partnership - Military spouses seeking employment in portable career fields can connect with participating MSEP employers who are posting job openings and actively recruiting military spouses.
  • USAJOBS is the Federal Government’s official jobs site.
  • Military One Source - Check out the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities section.
  • Spouse Education and Career Opportunities can help you search for information on portable careers, get you started on your education, finalize that perfect resume, or assist you with your career planning.
  • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification, or associate's degree in a portable career field and occupation.
  • Military Spouse eMentor Leadership Program allows military spouses to receive personalized job search/career guidance, advice, support, and inspiration from more experienced spouses, career mentors and veteran-friendly employers.
  • Military Spouse Program/Hiring our Heroes host job fairs and networking receptions exclusively for military spouses on or near military installations.

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Fleet and Family Support Center

The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) recognizes that being in the military is a lifestyle that presents unique challenges and opportunities for service members and their families. Programs are intended to help make the most of military life.

Workshops and seminars are open to active duty and retired military personnel, their family members and, if space is available, Department of Defense employees, their spouses and contract employees. The programs are organized and facilitated by the professional staff of the Fleet Family Support Center as well as professional educators within the local community.

Online & Mobile Resources

New to the Navy App
The New to the Navy mobile application is for Sailors (Enlisted and Officers) who are fresh out of Boot Camp or Officer Candidate School and ready to report to their first command. The app answers common questions new Sailors may have on pay and personnel matters as they transfer to a school or to their duty station. Available for Apple and Android devices.

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Individual Deployment Support Program

In an IA (Individual Augmentee) deployment, a service member receives orders to deploy individually or with a small group to augment a different unit or branch of service.  This is different from deploying with a ship, a squadron or an entire unit.  An IA can be active duty or Reserve, volunteer or be selected for deployment.  Special training is required for IAs before their deployment, so they may be away from home for an extended period of time.

The Emotional Cycle of Deployment describes the emotional and behavioral changes that may occur during a deployment.  Understanding this cycle and the common emotions for each stage can help service members and their families adjust to the changes they will experience during deployment.

The Fleet and Family Support Center stands ready to support service members and their families with this adjustment process by providing pre-deployment briefings and establishing and maintaining contact with the service member’s family throughout the deployment process.  The Individual Deployment Support Specialist (IDSS) is a conduit to ensure that family members have a Navy point of contact to help them navigate any challenges during the IA process.  IA service members can focus on the mission with the confidence that their families are being supported and taken care of by their IDSS.

Deployment Resources

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Life Skills Program

Life happens and unfortunately, it does not come with a handbook or instructions. Life Skills are all about self-discovery, exploring new ways to think, interact and problem-solve. The Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSCs) offer workshops that are focused on using conflict to direct positive change; connecting the power of communication to strengthen relationships through mutual respect and understanding; and employing mindful thought management  and problem solving strategies. Explore the following workshop topics in order to get to ‘mission-ready green’ and stay in Operational Stress Control (OSC).

This program was developed to assist FFSC achieve their goal of providing prevention and enrichment programs for commands, individuals and families that foster resilience, strengthen interpersonal competencies and address the special challenges of military life.

Life Skills Workshops include but are not limited to the following:

Suicide Awareness/Prevention

Suicide Prevention is an all hands evolution, all of the time.  Everyone can make a difference and contribute to suicide prevention at any time.

Consider what you would do if you or someone else were struggling to cope with a personal crisis.

Risk factors identified by annual Navy Cross Disciplinary Case Reviews and the Centers for Disease Control include:

  • Easy access to lethal means (methods of suicide with especially high fatality rates)
  • Relationship issues (divorce, separation, break-up)
  • Transitions (retirement, PCS, discharge, etc.)
  • Current or pending disciplinary or legal action
  • Financial problems
  • Academic, career or personal setbacks
  • Perceived rejection, abandonment or loss of status
  • Physical or psychological health issues (sleep deprivation, medical condition, etc.)
  • Severe or prolonged stress
  • History of alcohol and/or substance abuse
  • History of previous suicide attempts
  • Barriers to accessing psychological health treatment
  • Family history of suicide or violence
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Traumatic experience
  • Death of a close friend or family member

What You Can Do

Ask - Ask your shipmate directly "are you thinking about killing yourself? Do you have a plan to kill yourself?"

Care - Tell your shipmate that you're concerned about him or her, without judgment. They may not show it, but they likely appreciate that someone cared enough to say something.

Treat - Take your shipmate to get help immediately by seeking a Navy chaplain, medical professional or trusted leader. Call 911 if danger is imminent. Help is available 24/7 through the Military Crisis Line. Call 1-800-273-TALK (Option 1), text 838255 from a mobile device or visit


Suicide Prevention Resources

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK and online, providing 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Fleet and Family Support Center Directory - includes center addresses, phone number, and webpage links of the listed regions. 

Chaplain Care is a service that connects you to a chaplain.

Military OneSource: 1-800-342-9647 and online, helps service members find numerous resources to achieve their goals.

Navy Personnel Command Suicide Prevention

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration

Anger Management

Anger is a normal emotion. The resulting behavior, when out of control, can lead to problems in your relationships. Improve your quality of life and learn constructive ways to manage and express your feelings.

Anger Management Resources

Children and Anger - Kids Health

Communication Skills

How can it be so hard to communicate with the person you love the most? If you would turn on the TV or browse any bookstore, you will see talk shows, books and magazines dedicated to this issue. With frequent relocations, multiple deployments and the challenges of reintegration, good communication may get lost in translation.

Communication Skills Resources

Love and Marriage

Conflict Management

Unresolved conflict can prevent personal and professional growth. Learning to resolve conflict will help you overcome barriers and make healthy choices. Become more aware of the role that conflict plays in your daily life. Classes are available to gain resources to manage it daily.

Conflict Management Resources

Managing Team Conflict

New Spouse Orientation

Whether you are a new Navy spouse or you have been around awhile, sometimes you wonder if you moved to another planet! The Navy has its own language, traditions and customs. Everything can seem so different! How are you supposed to understand life on this planet? Make your local FFSC one of your first stops in your new Navy adventure. You can attend a workshop and meet other new Navy spouses, gather informational materials, get help with finding a job or a volunteer opportunity or learn about educational opportunities.

New Spouse Resources

Navy Line Compass

Parent Education

Navy kids are like all others - except they have a parent serving in the military. This means that they probably move more often or perhaps have a parent who is away for extended periods. Being understood, cared for and loved are the single most effective strategies used in reducing some of the challenges faced by military children.

Parent Education Resources

Focus World

Sesame Workshop

Stress Management

Stress is a normal and natural part of life. The alarm clock “stresses” you out of bed in the morning. Work, kids, traffic … even winning a million dollars can be stressful. Stress is also a motivator. It helps you get things done. FFSC classes and resources are available to keep your stress level in the GREEN.

Stress Management Resources

Operational Stress Control

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Navy Gold Star

The Navy Gold Star program is designed to provide long term support to surviving family members of deceased active duty personnel. The program’s two goals are to keep survivors connected with the military and to assist them with achieving resiliency and well-being.

Eligible survivors include spouses, children (biological, adoptive and step), parents (biological, adoptive, step and foster) and siblings (biological, adoptive and half). Survivors remain part of the Navy family and are welcome at Fleet & Family Support Centers to receive authorized assistance.

While Navy Gold Star is the official Navy program designed to provide long term support to surviving families of deceased active duty Sailors, the program’s staff supports all services. The goal is to help any survivor who requests assistance. This may include connecting them with their own service’s Survivor Assistance Program, giving them references or becoming their case manager. The survivor decides the level of support.

For assistance, the Regional Navy Gold Star Coordinator is available by appointment to meet with survivors. Please call 410-714-4040 to schedule an appointment.

For commands or organizations that would like more information on the Navy Gold Star Program, please contact the Regional Navy Gold Star Coordinator.

Learn more at

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New Parent Support Home Visitor Program

The New Parent Support Home Visitor Program helps military parents, including expectant parents, transition successfully into parenthood and provides a nurturing environment for their children.

The program offers support and guidance to parent with children 4 years and younger. 

The New Parent Support Home Visitors are supportive and caring Licensed Master’s Level Social Workers or Registered Nurses (RNs).

They have extensive experience working with young children and are knowledgeable about your unique challenges as a military Family. The supports include but are not limited to:

  • Home Visits
  • Referrals to other Resources
  • Information & Education

Other ways the program can help you:

  • Prepare for parenthood
  • Become more confident as a parent
  • Understand the ages and stages of your child’s development
  • Develop common ground with your spouse or partner in the area of parenting
  • Improve relationships with your children
  • Create new friendships
  • Make parenting fun
  • Be a better parent to your children
  • Feel more at home in the military community
  • Meet the challenges associated with deployment and transition

This program is voluntary and free. Additionally, virtual and telehealth services are available during current COVID-19 conditions.

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Ombudsman Program

The Navy Family Ombudsman Program supports mission readiness by enhancing family resilience. Resilient families allow Sailors to focus on their work and their command's mission. Although the Navy recruits Sailors, it retains families. Families that are satisfied with the Navy lifestyle are more likely to choose "stay Navy". 

There are currently more than 2,000 ombudsmen volunteering their services with Navy commands. With many working 10 or more hours per week, this represents a huge cost savings to the Navy than if these were paid positions.

Ombudsmen are volunteers appointed by a commanding officer to serve as an information link between command leadership and command families. 

Ombudsman Support Program

  • Provide information and referral to assist families with concerns or issues.
  • Regularly communicate and distribute information to and from the command and the unit’s family members.
  • Keep the command informed regarding the overall health, morale and welfare of the families in the command.

Ombudsman Assemblies

  • Provide advanced trainings on a variety of topics to enhance Ombudsman knowledge and response capabilities.
  • Allows for the command to share new policies and procedures, assess specific command issues that may be impacting Navy families, and provide an opportunity for Ombudsman to share concerns or ask questions related to the program.
  • Assembly meetings are scheduled bimonthly.

2022 Asssembly Dates

  • January 12 - Virtual Meeting - 6-7:30 p.m.
  • March 9 - Hybrid Meeting (In-person & Virtual) - 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • May 11 - Virtual Meeting - 6-7:30 p.m.
  • July 13 - Virtual Meeting - 6-7:30 p.m.
  • September 7 - Hybrid Meeting (In-person & Virtual) - 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

For more information about the next assembly or Ombudsman program, contact our Coordinator at 202-685-8413.

If you would like to contact your command's Ombudsman, please click here.

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Personal Financial Management

A key contributor to Fleet and Family Readiness is having a solid financial plan in place. 

At the Fleet and Family Support Center we have an Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) Accredited Financial Counselor on staff to help you manage your money.  The highly qualified Personal Financial Manager (PFM) provides courses and individual consultations for personal financial management and General Military Trainings (GMTs), in addition to Command Financial Specialist (CFS) training

Some of the areas we can assist you with are; but not limited to:  Basic Budgeting, Saving and Investing (including Thrift Savings Plan), Home Buying, Car Buying, Retirement Planning, Credit Management, Consumer Awareness, Insurance Planning, and the Blended Retirement System.  We offer classes on these topics as well as individual appointments. 

Please contact us for an appointment.

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Relocation Assistance Program

The Relocation Assistance Program provides a continuum of relocation programs and services appropriate to service members and their families whether relocating CONUS or OCONUS. 

Our target audience is Military members, their families and non-foreign hire DOD civilian employees in overseas locations. 

Congress passed legislation mandating the planning of standardized relocation programs throughout the Department of Defense. 

We provide the following Relocation Assistance Programs:

  • Information and Referral
  • RAP Resource Center
  • Lending Locker
  • Relocation Counseling
  • Workshops
    • Command Relocation Brief
    • Smooth Move
    • Moving with an Exceptional Family Member
    • Sponsor Orientation
    • Moving Overseas
    • Cultural Adaptation
    • Welcome Aboard
    • New Spouse Orientation


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Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program’s primary goals are to prevent and respond to sexual assault, eliminating it from our ranks through a balance of focused education, comprehensive response, compassionate advocacy, and just adjudication in order to promote professionalism, respect, and trust, while preserving mission readiness. Services are confidential and available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

The program is available to:

  • All Active Duty Military or Coast Guard
  • Reservists
  • National Guard
  • Military dependents 18 years of age and older (if the sexual assault is perpetrated by someone other than a spouse or intimate partner)
  • Service members who are on active duty but were victims PRIOR to enlistment or commissioning
  • DoD Civilian/Contractor personnel when they are stationed or performing duties OCONUS and eligible for treatment in the MHS.

Note: If you do not fall into any of the above categories but would like to receive assistance please contact your SAPR program or the Safe Helpline who can refer you to local civilian resources that offer confidential services.

It is important to understand and preserve your reporting options.  By contacting our 24/7 Helpline you can speak confidentially with a SAPR team member to learn more about options and available resources.

24/7 NCR Sexual Assault Helpline: 202-258-6717

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator: 202-615-9820 or 202-489-9902

DoD Safe Helpline

CALL: 1-877-995-5247
TEXT: 55-247(001-202-470-5546 outside the U.S.)

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Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) help service members and their families prepare to separate or retire from the military. TAP is a mandatory program and must begin no later than 365 days prior to their transition.

For a list of all TAP classes that can assist you with your post-military goals, go to


Initial Counseling (IC) is the first MANDATORY step of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for ALL separating and retiring service members (No Exemptions). IC is to be completed NLT 365 days prior to the service member’s DOS. During the IC, service members will meet with their Command Career Counselor of FFSC TAP Counselor to assess their preparedness for transition and establish a transition plan (This will include scheduling the service member’s Pre-Separation Counseling and TAP Curriculum Workshop). 

Service Members with the following circumstances, please email subject line "TAP IC request for a 1:1 appointment" to schedule separately:

  • Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
    • Administrative Separations must be scheduled by the unit; contact FFSC at 202-685-0229.
  • If you are within 1 year of separation, or within 2 years of retirement, please contact your Career Counselor to schedule your Initial Counseling appt. 


For additional questions, please contact the FFSC TAP Team at



Once IC is complete, the pre-separation brief* should be scheduled and must be completed NLT 365 days prior to separation/retirement.  Pre-separation counseling covers by-law information to include benefits, entitlements and resources for eligible transitioning Service members.  Caregivers and spouses are especially encouraged to attend pre-separation counseling with their Service member.

*This briefing will be scheduled during your IC appointment and is designated based on post separation status (i.e. separatee/retiree).



This workshop prepares service members for a successful transition.  This workshop is as follows:

Day 1:  DoD Transition Day:  Managing Your Transition, Military Occupational Crosswalk & Financial Planning For Transition – This portion of TAP includes curriculum modules on building resiliency by managing your own transition (MyTransition), a Military Occupational Code Crosswalk to help define and translate military skills and the Financial Plan for Transition module, which fulfills the mandated financial literacy requirement. 

(Required For All – No Exemptions) 

Day 2- VA Benefits & Services (Required For All – No Exemptions)

Day 3- DOL Employment Fundamentals Of Career Transition (EFCT) – Designed to lay the foundation of the transition from military to civilian life. The 1-day workshop introduces the essential tools and resources needed to evaluate career options, gain information for civilian employment, and understand the fundamentals of the employment process. (Exemptions Apply).



Capstone is the culminating event where a transition counselor will verify completion of required Career Readiness Standards (deliverables) as determined during the service members IC appointment.  Capstone is currently conducted via email/TEAMs.

Capstone must be completed NLT 90 days prior to separation/retirement.



Individualized Initial Counseling, Presepeartion Counseling, TAP Day 1/VA Benefits & Services and Capstone are REQUIRED for all service members - no exemptions.




For questions, or to register, please contact:

Fleet & Family Support Center
(202) 685-0229
Address: 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Bldg. 101, Washington, DC 20374

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